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Climbing the Stairs of time

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As we grow old we gain responsibilities, these responsibilities won't go away, they pile up as we go on.. all the playing, drinking , and happy go lucky attitude can no longer be tolerated, we can't be teenagers forever no matter how hard we fight it off, if given a chance? everyone would choose to remain teenagers forever! think about it? all the fun,drinking, careless days lying around when your bored? no worries whatsoever. plus you don't worry about money that much,I feel pity to those people who didn't enjoy their teenage years or their college life, but don't get me wrong, you can still enjoy even if your studying hard just get your priorities straight, (i should have done that) don't wait for that moment in time when you ask yourself what could have been, it only means your doubting the way you lived your life .

That's why it's important to do what you love as a living, there is nothing more achieving in you professional journey than to love your job. no one forces you to work hecK!there may be even overtime. "growing old is inevitable, growing up is on option" so you're blessed if you love what your doing, and being a like a teenager at that! ;)

if you want to be successful then you have to move, if you have ideas just don't let them be mere imaginary achievements,ideas are like matches,they're only useful once you light them.

-Leogel Allen Barbasa


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